Milo antibody database
The Milo antibody database has moved!
Please visit our new Milo Antibody Database on for the latest antibody information.
Find antibodies validated for Single-Cell Westerns on Milo
Milo is an open platform so you can use any Western-validated antibody to probe scWest chips. To help you get started, here is a selection of some of the antibodies that have been validated on Milo to date. This database is intended to provide general guidance in identifying and selecting antibodies to test. The performance of any antibody will need to be optimized for the specific sample type being studied. For more information on how to select antibodies for use on Milo, check out our tech note. Note: in cases where multiple antibodies have been validated for the same target, the best performing antibody is indicated by *. All primary antibodies have been incubated for 2 hours at room temperature. Listed sample types are not exhaustive.
If you don't see your antibody listed here, we can help! Please email us your target of interest at