Submit Milo antibody

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ProteinSimple very much appreciates your collaboration.

Target Name: * 
Please choose name based on Uniprot nomenclature, omit modifications. 
Host Species: * 
Antibody Vendor: * 
 Please add antibody supplier. 
Catalog Number: * 
 Please add as needed to order. 
Sample Type: * 
 Name of sample used for target detection. 

Sample Prep Protocol: * 

Please provide details about any sample preparation required to get sample into single-cell suspension. 
Number of Cells Loaded: *   
Settling Time: * 
 Please provide in minutes. 
Lysis Time: * 
 Please provide in seconds. 
Electrophoresis Time: * 
 Please provide in seconds. 
UV Exposure Time: * 
 Please provide in minutes. 
Primary Antibody Concentration: * 
Please provide the final concentration used for probing - either a dilution (e.g., 1:10) or in µg/mL. 
Primary Antibody Probing Time: * 
 Please provide in hours. 
Secondary Antibody: * 
 Please add antibody supplier and catalog number. 
Secondary Antibody Concentration: * 
Please provide the final concentration used for probing - either a dilution (e.g., 1:20) or in µg/mL. 

Any Protocol Modifications: 

Please provide details on any deviations from the standard protocol. 
Submitted by: * 
 Please enter your name. 
Contact: * 
 Please enter e-mail address or telephone number. 

Before submitting, follow instructions below.

Submit Milo Antibody