|  | Maurice CE SDS の分子量範囲拡張
| [概要表示] |
このポスターではMaurice CE-SDSの分子量範囲(10~270 kDa)をどのように広げ、小さいタンパク質や巨大タンパク質を分析することができるのかを示します。
 |  | ZipChip CZE質量分析計と組み合わせた新規 icIEF fractionation で迅速な電荷バリアントの特性評価
| [概要表示] |
 |  | Novel icIEF Fractionation Coupled with ZipChip CZE-MS for Rapid Charge Variant Characterization | [概要表示] |
Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) make up a large portion of the rapidly growing drug market. Ensuring safety and efficacy through comprehensive understanding of these products’ critical quality attributes (CQAs), including charge heterogeneity, is a regulatory requirement. Various charge isoforms of mAbs can result from cell culture or production processes, potentially affecting the mAb structure and function. While imaged capillary isoelectric focusing (icIEF) is the preferred method for charge profiling, ion-exchange chromatography (IEC) has been the major tool for fractionation combined with characterization. However, IEC is not compatible with certain types of molecules, hydrophobic antibody drug conjugated (ADCs) for example, and icIEF typically provides higher separation resolution. Moreover, an individual charge variant obtained from IEC fractionation may not be comparable to the variant peak in the icIEF profile. Therefore, there is an unmet need for IEF-based fractionation of charge variants for characterization.
We have developed a novel icIEF fractionation solution, which involves icIEF separation and collection of charge variants. This solution enables Maurice icIEF-based peak identification followed by downstream analysis. Here we report icIEF fractionation followed by ZipChip-based mass spectrometry (MS) characterization of the NIST mAb and XMT-1535 mAb. ZipChip (CE-ESI) was utilized for mass spectrometry characterization of the fractions due to its broad sample matrix compatibility, easy sample prep, and fast mass spectrometry analysis time. Individual charge variants of each antibody were successfully collected in less than 2 hours with purity > 80% using icIEF separation conditions with or without urea. Rapid analysis using ZipChip chowed the mass spec identification of major and minor isoforms correlated well with reported mass spec data (literature and report). Urea in icIEF separation did not affect the quality of fractionation nor the mass spec result. Multiple fractionation runs of the NIST mAb suggested good reproducibility of the system. We believe this novel icIEF fractionation solution coupled with other analysis methods, such as mass spectrometer, will deliver a powerful charge variant characterization tool for biotherapeutic analytical tool kit. |
 |  | Cutting to the Chase: Enzymatic Workflows for Easy Characterization of Complex Glycoprotein Charge and Size Variants on Maurice | [概要表示] |
Keeping track and close control of glycosylation in therapeutic monoclonal antibodies and fusion proteins is crucial to ensure safety and efficacy of these important classes of biotherapeutics. The removal of glycans from biotherapeutics pose a challenge when investigating the changes in physicochemical and pharmacological properties. In this work we used the highly specific enzymes SialEXO®, to enable simplified workflows for glycoprofile analysis by desialylation, OglyZOR® for specific hydrolysis of O-glycans, and FabRICATOR® for digestion of antibodies or Fc-fusion proteins. The results demonstrate simplified workflows to quantitate charge and size heterogeneity associated with the removal of glycans and digestion of antibodies, fusion proteins using capillary iso-electric focusing (cIEF) and CE-SDS. The combination of specific enzymatic sample preparation with robust cIEF and CE-SDS has potential to speed up, increased through-put and simplify routine testing of critical quality attributes when developing or manufacturing biotherapeutics. |
 |  | Charge Characterization of Viruses and Virus Like Particles (VLPs) Using icIEF with UV Fluorescence Detection | [概要表示] |
icIEF is well-established as the gold standard tool in the biopharmaceutical industry for protein charge characterization. Newer therapeutic modalities are coming to market, including viruses and virus like particles. A challenge associated with icIEF analysis of virus and virus like particle (VLP) samples is sample aggregation during IEF. For most sample (mAbs, proteins), adding solubilizers into the sample solution, such as urea and non-iconic surfactants, can prevent aggregation. However, intact viruses and VLPs may disassociate when these additives are used. While reducing the final sample concentration can help minimize aggregation, UV light absorbance-based detection may not possess sufficient sensitivity to analyze these samples at lower concentrations. In the presentation, we will illustrate the results of using an icIEF-UV fluorescence instrument for charge characterization of viruses and VLP samples. The UV fluorescence method requires no dye labeling and shows significantly higher sensitivity than UV absorption detection. |
 |  | Characterization of Maurice CE-SDS PLUS for USP <129> Suitability | [概要表示] |
Since the first therapeutic monoclonal antibody (mAb) was commercialized in the mid-80’s, close to 100 therapeutic mAb products (accounting for around a quarter of all biotech drugs) have hit the market; making it a $125 billion industry that targets critical pathological health conditions – including but not limited to products for antitumor, antiviral, and antiplatelet therapies. From early-stage process development to batch lot release testing, the efficacy, safety, identity, stability, and purity of therapeutic mAb products throughout their shelf life are of crucial importance. Capillary electrophoresis sodium dodecyl sulfate (CE-SDS) has become the gold standard technique for the quality-control of therapeutic mAbs and proteins due to its ease of implementation, robustness, and reproducibility, replacing the more traditional and labor-intensive technique such as SDS-PAGE gel. Successful CE-SDS method development, under both reducing and nonreducing conditions, aims to reduce assay-associated impurities, fragmentations, and aggregations.
Here, we have used the monoclonal IgG System Suitability Reference Standard developed by U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) to assess the rigor and robustness of an optimized Maurice™ CE-SDS PLUS method compared to the recommended USP protocol provided in monograph <129>. The optimization leveraged Design of Experiments (DOE) to optimize key components in sample preparation, denaturing conditions, and sample injection. The results show that the optimized methods: (1) cause less fragmentation compared to the USP <129> method, (2) are not susceptible to sample injection variations that might differ between instruments, and (3) provide comparable data to the USP <129>
monograph for mAbs.
 |  | Simplifying AAV Protein Analytics with Maurice | [概要表示] |
Adeno-associated viruses (AAV) are promising vectors for the delivery of genetic material in gene therapy. During the manufacture of AAV, critical quality attributes (CQAs) like charge heterogeneity, purity, and empty/full status must be carefully monitored because they can impact the product's safety and efficacy. Imaged capillary isoelectric focusing (icIEF) and capillary electrophoresis sodium dodecyl sulfate (CE-SDS) are two powerful methods to respectively characterize and quantitate charge heterogeneity and purity, but, traditionally, two separate
platforms are required to perform these analyses. Here, we used a single Maurice platform to analyze AAVs by icIEF and CE-SDS methods to ensure product stability, identity, and purity. In addition, we show that the icIEF mode on Maurice, coupled with dual wavelength detection, affords insights into the empty/full status of AAVs. Taken together, the poster will show that Maurice is a powerful fully integrated analytical tool for gene therapy development.
 |  | A Single Platform for icIEF and CE-SDS Analysis of Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV) for Gene Therapy | [概要表示] |
Adeno-associated viruses (AAV) are promising vectors for the delivery of genetic material in gene therapy. During the manufacture of AAV, critical quality attributes like charge heterogeneity and purity must be carefully monitored because they can impact the product’s safety and efficacy. Imaged capillary isoelectric focusing (icIEF) and capillary electrophoresis sodium dodecyl sulfate (CE-SDS) are two powerful methods to respectively characterize charge heterogeneity and purity, but traditionally two separate platforms are required to run these methods. Here, we used a single platform to develop icIEF and CE-SDS methods to analyze AAV2 and AAV6 serotypes to monitor product stability, identity and purity. We show that these methods could reproducibly quantify both intact (by icIEF) and denatured AAV (by icIEF and CE-SDS) samples. The CE-SDS method could separate and quantify individual AAV capsid proteins, showed robust repeatability (<5% RSD) while also detecting impurities. The icIEF method was useful for measuring both denatured and intact particles with high repeatability (<4% RSD). Interestingly, preliminary evidence suggests that icIEF can also distinguish between full (1 x 10^13 GC/mL) and ‘empty’ (<10^12 GC/mL) AAV capsids. |
 |  | Analysis of Cas9 by capillary electrophoresis sodium dodecyl sulfate (CE-SDS) and imaged capillary isoelectric focusing (icIEF) using Maurice | [概要表示] |
CRISPR/Cas9 has become a revolutionary tool for precise genome editing in a wide variety of prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and multiple Cas9 variants have been engineered to further broaden its functionality. Purity, heterogeneity and stability are critical properties in the biophysical characterization, chemical modification and structural investigation of Cas9 and its variants. At the forefront of techniques to monitor these properties are capillary electrophoresis sodium dodecyl sulfate (CE-SDS) and capillary isoelectric focusing (cIEF). Maurice™ from ProteinSimple enables both CESDS and imaged cIEF (icIEF) in a single unit, with several key advantages over other CE-SDS and cIEF systems, such as ease-of-use, high data quality, and speed. |
 |  | 画像キャピラリー等電点電気泳動(icIEF)分析のためのタンパク質可溶化剤SimpleSolの特性評価 | Japanese
| [概要表示] |
 |  | Characterization of the protein solubilizer, SimpleSol for imaged capillary isoelectric focusing ( icIEF ) analysis. | [概要表示] |
In this poster we show that this reagent, SimpleSol can
effectively solubilize proteins for icIEF but is a significantly more stable agent than urea, eliminating the need for analysts to prepare urea fresh every time SimpleSol is also stable when pre mixed with methylcellulose as opposed to urea and is compatible with absorbance and native fluorescence detection on Maurice icIEF In addition we show that SimpleSol had less of an impact on the acidic portion of the pH gradient formed during icIEF compared to urea, resulting in more stable pI values of protein peaks relative to using urea. |
 |  | Advanced CE system for IgG Purity and Heterogeneity Analysis | [概要表示] |
Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are routinely used as therapeutic and diagnostic products when treating a wide variety of diseases. Due to the importance of these molecules, regulatory agencies have guidelines describing methods to assess product purity necessary for lot release and characterization. CE-SDS is one of the most common techniques used to monitor purity and heterogeneity.
iCE3 has been the go-to method for analyzing charge heterogeneity for mAbs. In this poster, we introduce Maurice, the latest member of the iCE platform family, who now gives you high resolution CE-SDS IgG data on top of the exceptional cIEF data you've come to expect.
Maurice's CE-SDS application gives you baseline resolution of reduced non-glycosylated and glycosylated IgG heavy chain in just 25 minutes with % Area RSDs less than 4%. A simplified workflow provides unparalleled ease-of-use. Once samples and reagents are prepared, it takes less than 10 minutes to install the cartridge and start your batch. And at the end of your batch, easy clean-up and automatic data analysis by Compass for iCE software lets you quickly start your next batch. |
 |  | Increased Sensitivity and Fast Charge Heterogeneity Analysis with Maurice | [概要表示] |
Most post-translational and degradation events affect the biological activity of therapeutic proteins, making charge heterogeneity analysis a critical quality attribute when assessing molecule efficacy. Regulatory agencies require characterization of charge variants as well as monitoring them throughout the product development and manufacturing process. The iCE platform reproducibly delivers this data in less than 10 minutes per injection. A simple workflow adds the ability to quickly develop platform methods giving you the gold standard for protein charge heterogeneity characterization.
In this poster, we introduce the new member of the iCE family, Maurice. Maurice delivers the same high quality data as the iCE3 system and also adds the Native Fluorescence (NF) detection mode for higher sensitivity. NF detection gives you 4x higher sensitivity compared to absorbance, potentially decreasing the need to desalt samples or add urea to prevent molecule aggregation. Additionally, reduced ampholyte background in the fluorescence detection mode gives you more options when it comes to improving profile resolution. Resulting separations had baseline resolution with %CV < 2% for peak with higher than10% composition over 100 injections. Data is automatically analyzed for you at the end of the run using Compass for iCE. |
 |  | Computer-aided Assay Development for Charge Heterogeneity Analysis by iCE | [概要表示] |
Analytical techniques like isoelectric focusing have become indispensable tools in evaluating biologic preparations. The resulting surge in charge isoform analysis has led to major advances in instrumentation, such as Imaged Capillary Electrophoresis iCE. To maximize the benefits from improved instrumentation requires development of robust assays. Initially implemented in biopharmaceutical manufacturing, Quality by Design (QbD) has the potential to transform assay development. Key to QbD is comprehensively gauging the effects of process inputs on critical to quality (CTQ) attributes of the output. To this end, the Design of Experiments (DOE) methodology has proven itself to be a highly efficient tool in modeling the relationship between input and output.
The contents of this poster demonstrate the successful implementation of DOE tools in the iCE3 assay development process. Utilizing a Central Composite Design (CCD) strategy, a response surface of the relationship between ampholyte composition and focusing time on peak resolution was generated. Experimental validation of this model at optimal operational settings indicated a high level of accuracy with error between the predicted and experimentally derived values ranging between -0.68 and 8.06 percent. |
 |  | High Throughput IEF Analysis Using Hands Free cIEF | [概要表示] |
Sample preparation for cIEF analysis requires protein formulations to be modified with carrier ampholytes, pI markers, and other additives prior to injection. This can pose challenges, as some proteins are chemically unstable when exposed to highly basic environments, undergoing degradation reactions when stored under these conditions for extended periods. The onboard sample preparation feature of the new iCE3 IEF Analyzer can elevate preparative artifacts such as protein degradation by facilitating just-in-time (JIT) sample preparation. The automated sample preparation capability of the iCE 3 also has added benefit of reducing operator to operator variability. This feature can be implemented with either a 96 well plate or a 48 position standard vial tray. In this poster we demonstrate the results of automated sample preparation of 96 samples in a 96 well plate and compare them to the results using manual sample preparation.
 |  | Faster and Easier Charge Heterogeneity Analysis with the iCE 3 | [概要表示] |
Three major usability improvements are now available for the iCE3 system. A new HT cIEF Cartridge increases resolution while reducing run times by eliminating the need for methyl cellulose. A redesigned electrode arm assembly minimizes cathodic drift allowing robust analysis of 100 samples in a batch. The pI calibration and data export processes have been combined into a single automated procedure through the development of enhanced software features. These updates offer greater speed and improved ease of use. In this poster we present the results of these improvements on a model iCE method for analysis of a basic IgG1 mAb. The new HT cartridge reduces analysis time by five minutes, while still providing a highly resolved peak profile comparable to the original FC cartridge. An intermediate precision study demonstrated a %CV of less than 10% for peak all major peak clusters (>5% percent composition).
iCE3 Separations
Separations were performed on an iCE3 system
equipped with either a PrinCE Next MicroInjector or an
Alcott 720 NV Autosampler.
 |  | Optimizing Parameters for Hands Free cIEF | [概要表示] |
cIEF analysis requires the protein sample to be pre-mixed with carrier ampholytes, pI markers, and other additives. Proteins can be sensitive to highly basic environments and can experience degradation when exposed to these conditions for extended periods. The iCE3 automates sample preparation minimizing protein sample degradation in IEF buffers and operator to operator variability. The sample is prepared immediately prior to injection limiting sample exposure to cIEF buffers and preventing degradation.
The development of a robust and repeatable automated sample preparation assay requires optimizing sample mixing parameters. During optimization, several factors need to be considered, such as the shape of the sample vial, the number of mixing strokes, air bubbles and sample dilution by the mixing action.
 |  | Capillary Electrophoresis for Upstream and Downstream Biopharmaceutical Development
| [概要表示] |
In order to bring an antibody or other biologic drug to market, each step of the process needs to be carefully monitored. Charge heterogeneity and apparent molecular weight (MW) via SDS-PAGE are two of the most commonly assessed parameters. Ideally, similar methods should be used from the beginning of development (low expression, complex matrix) to late in production and QC (high concentration, pure material). Capillary techniques, such as iCE and CE-SDS, are currently used heavily in downstream product development but are best suited to purified and higher concentration samples. Here, we present the Simple Western that combines in one novel instrument, Peggy, capillary electrophoresis with an immunoassay to provide highly reproducible and fully automated analysis of monoclonal antibodies. This sensitive technology measures either size or charge in complex samples and provides critical charge heterogeneity, size, and product titer information without the need for sample purification. Data will be presented demonstrating the application of the Simple Western technique and the iCE technology for the analysis of monoclonal antibodies against VEGF and the ability of the two techniques to provide consistency of data across the whole range of product development. In addition we show examples for the unique capability of this technology to assess affinity information for these anti VEGF antibodies to different charge isoforms of VEGF.
 |  | iCE3 GMP Ready Out of the Box, Guide to iCE3 Software's Key 21 CFR Part 11 Technical Controls (WCBP 2013) | [概要表示] |
Electronic data authenticity and integrity are an integral part of GMP manufacturing. The FDA guidance 21 CFR Part 11 defines the characteristics required for GMP compliant electronic records and signatures.
It is important to note that 21 CFR Part 11 compliance specifies additional procedural controls (i.e. notification, training, SOPs, and administration) to be put in place by the user in addition to the technical controls that the software provides. iCE Software contains the following 21 CFR Part 11 technical controls:
- User Log-In Function limits system access to authorized individuals
- Electronic Signature is required throughout run execution, processing and exporting
- A secure, computer generated, time stamped audit trail records the date and time of operator entries and actions that create, modify, or delete electronic records
- The software provides accurate and complete copies of records in both printed and electronic format. Note: All iCE software designs are and will remain backwards compatible
- Uses operational system and network domain features to ensure data authenticity and integrity are maintained The software uses file string encryption and applies the industry standard checksum algorithm to verify data integrity. In addition, in QC-function, operational restrictions strengthen GMP compliant batch execution. For example, once started, a batch may not be modified - the batch must be stopped/aborted, then renamed and restarted. The batch may not be paused and modified.
 |  | An Even Faster iCE Method (CE Pharm 2012) | [概要表示] |
Platform methods, high throughput and ease of use have made the iCE system the gold standard for protein charge heterogeneity characterization for biopharmaceuticals. At 15-18 minutes per sample, iCE methods are fast and simple. However, biopharmaceutical companies are always looking for higher throughput. In this poster, we investigate a new rapid iCE method that utilizes a new column coating, eliminating the need for high viscosity polymer additives. By eliminating the viscous polymer additives, the column rinsing and sample injection cycles can be reduced from 2.5 minutes to 25 seconds. The required focusing time can also be reduced by 2-3 minutes for a high resolution monoclonal antibody platform method. The peak pattern and resolution of the new column coating is compared to the FC coating in the current iCE cartridge. The new column coating provides high resolution while increasing sample throughput to 10 minute per sample. |
 |  | iCE3 and iCE280 Comparability (CE Pharm 2012) | [概要表示] |
When methods and instruments are implemented in Quality Control, it is critical that any replacement instrument provide equivalent data with minimal or no changes to the method. The iCE280 system has been adopted by most major biopharmaceutical companies worldwide for charge heterogeneity analysis. The iCE3 is the next-generation iCE280 and the first update to the iCE280 in 15 years. The iCE3 features a host of technical improvements, all designed for direct transfer of methods from the iCE280. As a direct replacement for the iCE280, the iCE3 must have equivalent applications performance. In this poster, we demonstrate direct method transfer and system equivalency using the following instruments and assays. |
 |  | Optimizing Hands Free Capillary Isoelectric Focusing (cIEF) (CE Pharm 2012) | [概要表示] |
In cIEF analysis, samples are pre-mixed with carrier ampholytes, pI markers, and additives. Although imaged cIEF (iCE3 IEF Analyzer) offers rapid analysis and high throughput, proteins can still experience degradation when exposed to carrier ampholytes and additives for extended periods. Automated Sample Preparation with the new iCE3 IEF Analyzer solves this problem. The system prepares the sample immediately prior to injection, limiting sample exposure to cIEF buffers and preventing degradation.
There are several important method parameters such as Mixing Rate, Mixing Strokes and Mixing Depth that require optimization. This poster describes an optimization strategy for the on-board sample preparation and provides relevant examples. |
 |  | Capillary Isoelectric Focusing (cIEF) Analysis of a Monoclonal Antibody under a Denatured and Reducing Condition (CE Pharm 2011) | [概要表示] |
Capillary isoelectric focusing (cIEF) is the best tool for protein charge heterogeneity characterization. Common sources of charge heterogeneity for monoclonal antibodies include heavy chain C-terminal lysine heterogeneity, deamidation, and sialyation associated with the glycosylation sites on the antibodies. Under the denatured and reduced condition, disulfide bonds in the antibodies can be reduced and the monoclonal antibodies are broken into heavy chains and light chains. The heavy chain and light chain are expected to have different pI values, thus, they can be separated from each other by IEF. In this way, the contributions of the heavy chain and light chain to the entire antibodies' charge heterogeneity can be observed by IEF analysis.
In this presentation, monoclonal antibodies are analyzed by cIEF under a 8 M urea (denatured) and DTT condition. In the example shown in the presentation, the heavy chain and light chains are well separated and the charge heterogeneity of both is observed. |
 |  | Enhancing Peak Pattern Stability and Reproducibility in Capillary Isoelectric Focusing (cIEF) by Plugging Capillary Column During Focusing (CE Pharm 2011) | [概要表示] |
In isoelectric focusing (IEF), at the end of the focusing process, all components in a sample are focused and stop at their pI points. In order to perform IEF in a capillary column (cIEF), two forces within the column that interfere with the focusing process have to be eliminated: electroosmotic flow (EOF) and hydrodynamic flow. In commercial cIEF instruments, the EOF is substantially reduced by column coatings and the hydrodynamic flow is eliminated by placing both ends of the column at the same level during the IEF process.
In ProteinSimple's iCE280 IEF Analyzer, the hydrodynamic flow within the separation column is eliminated by using a specially designed, constant fluid level waste vial at the outlet of the column and a balancing vial at the column inlet in the autosampler that has the same fluid level as the waste vial. This design constantly provides equal fluid levels at both ends of the column regardless of the waste volume dumped into the waste vial.
However, some high concentration additives could generate an unbalancing force within the column during IEF for some unknown reasons. One example is high concentration urea. When these high concentration additives are used, the peak pattern sometimes is pushed back or forth within the separation column during the IEF process, making the peak pattern unstable. This can reduce separation resolution and reproducibility.
We found that this problem could be solved by plugging one end of the column during the IEF process with a micro switch valve. The new design will be adapted in ProteinSimple's new model iCE instrument.
In this presentation, we will compare the peak pattern stability of a monoclonal antibody on the iCE of the new design and the existing design when 8 M urea is used as the additive. |
 |  | Improved System to System Reproducibility with the iCE3 IEF Analyzer (WCBP 2012) | [概要表示] |
During capillary isoelectric focusing (cIEF), proteins are focused at their isoelectric point. When performing IEF in a capillary, two forces within the capillary can destroy the IEF process within the capillary column: electroosmotic flow (EOF) and hydrodynamic flow. For reproducible cIEF, both of these forces must be eliminated. EOF is suppressed by neutral coatings on the inner wall of the capillary. Elimination of hydrodynamic flow is dependent on the system design. Traditional capillary electrophoresis instruments minimize hydrodynamic flow by leveling the capillary inlet and outlet vials. In imaged cIEF, specifically the iCE280, elimination of hydrodynamic flow depends on the autosampler. Small differences in hydrodynamic flow can result in differences in reported pI values from system to system. Although the difference is relatively small, it may create issues during method transfer between labs.
In this poster, we describe how the new iCE3 IEF Analyzer simplifies method transfer and minimizes system-to-system variability caused by hydrodynamic flow. |
 |  | Carrier Ampholytes in Capillary Isoelectric Focusing, Which One Do You Use? (WCBP 2012) | [概要表示] |
Carrier ampholytes are the single most important component of a capillary IEF separation. Unfortunately, all carrier ampholytes are not created equal. While carrier ampholytes are available from a number of manufacturers, they have significant differences. Understanding those differences accelerates method development.
Today, three brands of carrier ampholytes are commercially available: Pharmalyte by GE, Servalyt by Serva and Biolyte by Bio-Rad. While pH gradients from all three are quite linear, they do differ in baseline noise and peak resolution for some proteins. For example, Servalyts have higher resolutions for fusion proteins and proteins with heavy sialyation.
In this poster, we will discuss the effects of the carrier ampholytes on peak pattern, baseline noise and resolution. |
 |  | Hands-Free Capillary Isoelectric Focusing (cIEF) (WCBP 2012) | [概要表示] |
The well-characterized biopharmaceutical requires an assessment of charge heterogeneity. Techniques like IEF gels, ion exchange chromatography, and traditional capillary IEF all have benefits, but each one has its own set of challenges. Imaged cIEF (ProteinSimple's iCE IEF Analyzer) combines the best of these three worlds by providing rapid analysis, platform methods, and simple method development.
For cIEF analysis, samples are pre-mixed with carrier ampholytes, pI markers, and other additives. Although iCE IEF Analyzer offers rapid analysis and high throughput, some proteins can still experience degradation when exposed to these conditions for extended periods. On-Board Sample Preparation with the new iCE3 IEF Analyzer solves this problem. The system prepares the sample immediately prior to injection, limiting sample exposure to cIEF buffers and preventing degradation. As an additional benefit, automated sample preparation eliminates tedious pipetting. Simply load your sample and go.
This poster presents the application of On-Board Sample Preparation to the analysis of proteins. |