Bio-Techne Grant Foundation Program

Program Overview

ProteinSimple is pleased to introduce a grant program that offers funding towards Milo™, our Single-Cell Western™ system, to institutions who otherwise may not be able to afford to purchase a Milo. All labs and companies qualify, but only those with a scientifically compelling need will be granted funding towards a Milo system.


How do I apply?
Simply click on the Apply Now button, fill in the information and click submit.

How will I know if I receive a grant?
We will call awarded grantees to notify them that they have been chosen and to coordinate installation of the granted product.

Who chooses the grant winners?
A panel comprised of scientists from both ProteinSimple and Bio-Techne. That panel meets at least quarterly to review the grant applicants and to select winners if appropriate.

What is the judging criteria?
Grants are awarded based on need and scientific merit.

What is required if I am awarded a grant?
Grant award winners from academic and government labs are required to submit non-confidential progress updates biannually for the first year after the grant is awarded.


  1. ProteinSimple retains the rights to grant instruments that are new or refurbished. Refurbished instruments will be sent in working condition.
  2. Grantee is responsible for purchasing scWest kits.
  3. Instrument is provided with one-year parts and labor warranty. Grantee is responsible for maintenance of instrument.
  4. Grantee agrees to cite ProteinSimple in all publications where the Milo system was used for data generation.
  5. Grantees from academic and government labs agree to serve as a reference and demo lab for any interested parties based on availability of instrument and advanced coordination. Grantees from industry agree to serve as a reference and demo lab for other interested parties at the Grantee’s company.
  6. Grantee agrees to be a Key Opinion Leader and agrees to participate in ProteinSimple’s From Your Peers program, present a webinar, give a conference presentation sharing data, or host a seminar at their company within the first year after the grant is awarded.